
Who is the Unlikely Hero?

You become the Unlikely Hero after you try to disarm Dr TiNT's bomb. It's the only way.

"First, you need to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time," Jane Beepob, an Unlikely Hero from Them Bombs Prevention Center, told Daily Dramas. "Although there are a few locations Dr TiNT seems to target most often, a clear pattern to his attacks is yet to be discovered. He can basically strike anywhere."

Once the bomb has been planted, you will receive an untraceable text message from Dr TiNT. This is the turning point. If you try to escape, the bomb will detonate, killing dozens or hundreds of innocent people. But if you decide to disarm the device, you will become an Unlikely Hero. "It doesn't matter whether you fail or succeed," Mrs. Beepob said. "History will remember you as an Unlikely Hero who stood up against Dr TiNT's tyranny of terror. This alone is an admirable achievement."

To successfully disarm a bomb and stay alive, you will need remote help. "Before putting your hands on the explosive device, call somebody so they can help you. Everybody carries the Bomb Defusal Manual with them nowadays, so it shouldn't be a problem," Mrs. Beepob reminded. "Remember – calling an Expert is a crucial step if you want to survive."

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