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Unlikely hero prevents a horrible train bombing accident

A bomb planted on an overnight train by the infamous Dr TiNT got safely disarmed by one of the passengers. 808 people were saved.

I wanted to take an evening break from playing Them Bombs. Even though the game was not on, I could still hear a ticking sound,

recalled Unlikely hero.

Last night, a bomb was discovered under the bed in one of the cars of the overnight train. Luckily, the deadly device never went off; it was bravely disarmed by one of the passengers – dubbed the Unlikely Hero – who's been remotely assisted by a self-taught Bomb Defusal Expert. Nobody got hurt.

I can't express how grateful I am for disarming this thing," one of the passengers said. "The ticking was driving me mad!" The overnight train was named after the Hero and the Expert to honor their bravery.

"Sometimes, I pity Dr TiNT," the Expert said. "He must have sacrificed so many evenings to build that bomb – and then it got disarmed in mere minutes."

Dr TiNT – who claimed responsibility for the attack – remains at large, and can strike again anytime. To prevent more attacks like this from happening, the police urge civilians to play Them Bombs whenever they can, and to share their stories for future bomb defusers.

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